My 2015 trapeze season came to an abrupt halt a few months ago just as I was starting to gain some momentum with my flying. I made some major strides with my swing, dialing in the transition from sweep to seven, which really enabled me to effortlessly float up into position on my backend tricks. I regret not having taken any videos during that time because my current lack of flying as left me in a bit of a regression. I really wish I could check out the videos and see if I looked as good as the tricks felt. At the time I always figured I'd get some video "next time". On the few occasions I've flown since then, the tricks just haven't felt the same. While my coaches remind me that all rigs are different, it's difficult not to be hard on myself for losing my timing and struggling my way through tricks that were once second nature.
Twice recently I fell out of a straddle whip...A STRADDLE WHIP. (For my non-flying friends, this is one of the first tricks a student learns, albeit my version is on the backend of the swing, which is a bit more advanced.) Most recently I fell out of the straddle while my catcher was hanging for my trick as we were both approaching the peak for the catch. It looked like this, but was on the front end of the swing so we were both approaching each other (going into position on this end of the swing in the photo is called the back end).
So, I was falling out of my straddle at the front right by my catcher and at the time, I contemplated just chucking myself at him like a shooting star but then wisely decided against it...that one had "here kitty kitty" written all over it. "Here kitty kitty" is a shooting star that goes long (aka lands further forward than it should...usually on the this get the point). JUST KIDDING I would have never made such a reckless decision (nor would laws of physics work in such a way because I was falling down, not launching up like in a shooting star) but it was funny to think about.
So yeah, my flying goals...let's see if I'm any closer to that layout full and returning like a damn rockstar...
GOAL #1 - Swinging and Returning
To recap the return, my focus is on: the timing in-hands, staying tight at the turn without twisting at the waist and remounting the board gracefully. -- Welp...this is definitely still a work in-progress. I spent the past weekend training in Salt Lake City, where my bff has set up camp for the next month at Utah Flying Trapeze. UFT just opened up their new indoor rig inside of the Olympic Oval, a swanky Olympic training center. This panoramic shot doesn't do it justice, this place is HUGE and NICE.
My swing has regressed a bit...hello dropped toes, late hollow and piked we spent a good portion of the weekend drilling my swing over...and over...and over...and over... The result was a pretty decent, powerful (for me) swing. I also used this opportunity to break-in my new dowel grips. I was reluctant at first, but I think I'll really like them once I get 100% comfortable wearing them. Here's my best swing of the weekend:
This video brings me to...
Goal #2 - Layout Done and Done
I really struggled with the layout in the past. It wasn't until I improved the technique on my swing that I really could get my head around the mechanics of the layout. I still have a long way to go, but on 4.11.15, I took this trick out of safety lines for the first time. It was scary and far from catchable, but it was a huge step in the right direction. This past weekend, I put back on the lines to work on my break and drive without the added pressure of flying OOL. Then I took the trick back out of safety lines again feeling more comfortable and confident. My goal for the year is to have this trick out of lines and on my own timing by the end of spring. I may miss this deadline, however, no doubt it will be achieved here this year. I will continue working on my set position, breaking deeeeeep and looooooong, driving with my hips forward into a nice handstand position with open shoulders sending myself hiiiigghhhh above the bar.
Here's my layout catch attempt...(read: FAIL).
I got a nice kiss from the bar on the knees there and left SLC with a parting gift in the form of a giant purple bruise...but check out those catch hands though. ;)
No news to report on GOALS #3 (Cutaway Half) & #4 (Layout Full) at this time. With over eight months left of the year, I am remaining hopeful they are still within, with that, the journey continues...
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