
This is the End - 2014 Flying Trapeze Goals Final Recap

Friday, January 2, 2015

2014, Ok-byyyyeeeee. Well, the month of December came and went without so much as a blink of the eye. Between work, holidays, parties and misc. shenanigans, I didn't get in as much flying as I had hoped. But that being said, I did manage to make some significant breakthroughs with my flying in the final few days of the year. I spent some time really working on my swing and it's slowly getting stronger. I'm starting to feel the pop in my seven and I'm maintaining enough height on my swing to regrip turnaround to the board. Even though, I had planned on improving my swing, I really have to thank my awesome fly friends who really pushed me to work on it and offered me their guidance and constructive feedback along the way.

Earlier this week we had a pretty awesome day at the rig, one I'll never forget. It was extra special because my TF fly family and my husband (!!!) were all together. It was so nice sharing that final fly day with all of them. Before I get down to business on my goals, here's my last catch of the year:

Trapeze Federation | catch w/Efe | 12.28.14

Welp, my returns have suffered a bit of regression over these past few weeks. They've been inconsistent at best, for example: I had my best ever remount immediately followed by my worst ever remount. In general, I'm still initiating the hollow and press too early, not staying upright and tight at the turn and releasing incorrectly from hands. I know what I need to do to fix these issues, however, I'm experiencing a real disconnect between my mind and body.

Goal #2 - THE SWING
I did make some nice progress with my swing on both the front and back ends. My force out is getting stronger and my sweep is getting longer and deeper. I feel like my body is finally starting to understand what it needs to do. My swing reverts a bit when I add in a trick but in general things are coming together. I threw my nicest splits ever a few days ago, unfortunately I did not get a video. Everything felt so on-point and smooth and I popped up so high into my splits. I'm looking forward to getting back to the rig to continue working on my swing.

Sighhhh...another goal that fell short. I never got around to working on my layout and progress with my cutaway has been very slow. I finally broke through my mental block with the cutaway and it's now close to being catchable. I can't wait until it's locked in, I'm so ready to finally put that cutaway stick to use.

I hope the weather holds out this weekend so I can get in some solid flying time. I'm really excited to see how 2015 plays out and get to that next level flying-wise!

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